Saturday, March 6, 2010

Carb loading, fresh carbs only

Only one ride this weekend but at least I have been back on my bike.  Just the usual solo bay ride, very slow.  But tomorrow I'll be out again. I'll have to be as tonight Tim and THE Coach are cooking up a feast.

Fresh pasta with Tim's favourite bolognese made by the cycling and pasta coach himself.  Yes, I'd better hit the hills tomorrow after the mountains of pasta I'm planning to eat.


  1. Homemade pasta! Sounds and looks delicious!
    As your new friend from blogging world
    I am glad to see that you are back on track…
    I am looking forward to read about your bike trips.
    In central Poland we need about two weeks or so to start the new biking season.
    Spring is coming soon…
    Special “hello” to Tim,

  2. Jenny, carb-loading is an essential part of any training regime. Sometimes you just need to make sacrifices!

